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After years of research in international laboratories, it is clear that water pays a significant role in any biological system. Water is a meaning of transport that is crucial to stay healthy. Besides that, it is an environmental factor in which many biological processes take place. Water must have very certain qualities in order to continue to perform these roles. Water is known to be a storage medium of electromagnetic radiation. Our DNA is completely surrounded by water molecules that are necessary for the functioning of our DNA and all kinds of other proteins.
Since 1970 it has been clear that electromagnetic waves also occur in biological systems (against bacteria to humans). In addition to the material side, organisms living along with humans, have a not immediately noticeable, electromagnetic nature. Our body itself emits electromagnetic radiation (by means of photons) and the cells in our body communicate with each other through electromagnetic waves. It is therefore perfectly clear that, in principle, artificially generated radiation like telecommunications can have disruptive effects on the control of our bodies.
Therefore, it is important that the excessive electromagnetic load in our drinking water is reduced though a Vitaliser.
Source: Straling van alle kanten bekeken, Scientific Platform EMF Nederland, ISBN 978-94-64184-099